Tips and Tricks for Franchisees

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The 5 C's

Success in the market place is determined by a positive perception of you and your company. What perception does the consumer have? How are we guiding the client's perceptions of our business? There are 5 distinct attributes for creating a positive image and perception.

1. Character
Would you refer business to a financial planner who has been known to cheat his clients but is well educated and knowledgeable? Character is the sum total of one’s values and beliefs. It expresses itself through one's behavior. Character is what we do when no one is watching. Best way to determine one’s character is by observing their behavior.

Are you acting with integrity and honesty in all matters?

2. Competence
Would you listen to the recommendations of a dentist who is quite charming but seems to be dated in techniques, philosophies and expertise? Your client is measuring your competency based on your knowledge, expertise and ability. Customer's expect a real estate professional to have extensive market knowledge as well as technology and internet marketing skills.

Are you knowledgeable and are your skills up-to-date?

3. Confidence
How would you feel if you were placed on a project with someone who had strong character and education but lacked confidence in many situations? Confidence comes from having a strong conviction and belief in what you are doing. Experiences both successful and unsuccessful help build your confidence. Clients are attracted to people who exude confidence.

What are your beliefs and convictions as a business ownerl?

4. Credibility
Would you consider going to a friendly and honest doctor who failed his exam three times and just recently opened his door for business? An business owner who is believable and reliable is considered credit worthy. Dependability is important for establishing your crediability and offering your client a sense they are safe within your capable hands.

Do you follow-through; are you reliable in even simple matters?

5. Congruence
We have all had the experience of paying for a service that was inconsistent or unpredictable: such as going to a hairdresser to cut or color your hair, ordering the same dish in a restaurant, or even setting a date with a friend. Congruence is when all aspects of you and how you do business are consistent and harmonious. Congruence creates safety and trust for the client.

Do you have consistent systems in place to provide safety for your client?

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